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Liposuction - Cosmetic Surgery Preston

For those who are worried about excessive fat deposits in some parts of the body such as lower abdomen, thigh, buttock area and hips, liposuction may be beneficial. To achieve the best results from liposuction one should have a good quality skin. Liposuction as a procedure removes the excessive fat deposits from localised areas in the body by using a high suction vacuum. The incisions in the skin will be small, approximately 5-6mm long – hence easily hidden from vision. The treated area would show some amount of bruising which may stay for a few weeks after the surgery. Liposuction, though being one of the commonest procedures performed in Plastic surgery, may not be suitable for everyone. Your surgeon will assess your problem, mainly noting the quality of the skin and the amount of fat that is to be treated before suggesting the appropriate intervention. Some patients may mistake that liposuction may be a solution but may present with excessive loose skin which would require open surgical procedures to achieve the best results. It is usual to provide a supportive garment following liposuction to re-shape the skin after removal of the fat deposits. As the incisions in the skin are small it is possible for the patient to return to their activity in a matter of days to weeks based on individual circumstances. A detailed and professional consultation would identify the potential benefits, risks and expected outcome from this procedure.